Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Wishing everyone a happy and colorful new year!

(The image is a linocut on watercolour.)

Monday, 24 December 2012

Facebook under cover

Finally! It is done! Muhahahahahaha..! 
(I had been planning to do the Facebook photo-cover integration for a while now)

Sunday, 23 December 2012


Feels like it hasn't stopped raining since i got here :(

Sunday, 2 December 2012

spidey sudha

This year's birthday gift from Kalapi. A hex bug spider for my collection. (yay!)
After much discussion we decided it was female and bestowed the name Sudha on it.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

drinking lino

I made this as part of a small linocut workshop in college. The image itself is, i think, quite similar to one of my previous ones but with the helpful tips and advice, not to mention my friend's excellent tools, my lines have become a lot sharper and cleaner.

Saturday, 17 November 2012


I learnt how to mono print at college! We had a workshop where we learnt a couple of techniques. None of them are finished pieces, we only made quick doodles to learn the process (and what a fun process it is!)
These are only a few of the mono printing experiments but I made so many!

Friday, 16 November 2012

faces project

As part of the same assignment we also had to create one single face/ portrait in A1. 
As you may notice, i added a bottle of Old Monk rum in the corner. 
Ahhhhh.. old monk... 
A close-up or two:
And finally, for a better idea of size, here i am with my man (so to speak). 

Thursday, 15 November 2012

faces project - twenty

My first mini assignment in my master's program was to make 20 faces (portraits)... in A1. For me, that's a pretty scary assignment because the largest I ever work with is A5! 
I drew my 20 faces in a Indian street scene. I guess I was feeling homesick :(
Click on the image to see more detail.

A few details from the illustration:

Thursday, 27 September 2012

tally ho

Woohoo! I'm in London!
(That's me moonlighting as Mary Poppins)

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

chetna's iphone

My sister Chetna recently discovered she could put anything she wanted on her iPhone cover and flatteringly asked me for an illustration! She chose one of my earlier illustrations so i altered it slightly for iPhone cover use and she got it made!
I feel so cool... \m/
All that's left now is the matter of my pay. (I've asked for a new iPhone... bwahahaha!)

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

London time

I got accepted for a masters program in illustration.
I'm going to London! 

Monday, 6 August 2012

woodcut prints

I'm finished with the woodcut prints! It's quite a workout to make woodcuts (my arms are definitely more muscle-y) but lots of fun! 
I made loads of prints of the woodcut in variations of two color schemes plus a couple of experiments. I still don't have a scanner so the images are not very good, but here they are!

And finally, here's an image of the what the woodblock looked like at the end and a print of my last layer.

Friday, 3 August 2012


After the linocuts, I've started working on a woodcut. I'm making a 5 layer reductive woodcut print (phew!). Since there are so many layers it's going to take a while to finish, but here is a preview of the first 2 layers for now.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Here they are printed together. I decided to go a little crazy with the colours and try out a few things. I had so much fun! (i may have gotten a little out of hand, i now have an enormous number of prints and i can't shake off the smell of printing ink)

Monday, 30 July 2012

lino portrait 4

My final little lino portrait. Tomorrow i'm planning to print them all together and experiment a little with the printing.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

lino portrait 2

The second portrait in lino cut, its b&w print and a color version for fun!
I'm planning to have a set of four so i'm printing them individually for now but i will print them together when they're done!