I've finally decided to put up some of my internship work. Last summer i worked with a publishing house called Tulika and helped conceptualise and subsequently illustrate a book for them. It's called blackboard and is now available in book stores in god-only-knows-how-many languages. (Please buy a copy!) These are 6 of 18 pages. To see the rest you can pick up a copy!! (or wait until i post them up out of lack of anything else to post)
You can buy the book here.

You can buy the book here.

words fail me.
hey, make a lil something for my blog header na :|
no seriously, they rock!
Yes, yes:) Please buy the book at http://www.tulikabooks.com/bilingualbooks22.htm#blackboard
Also: here are a couple more pictures from the book on Facebook at
Thanks! And sure :) College is a little hectic right now but when i get some free time i can make you a header.
I'm on the Tulika facebook group as well! Yay! I'm becoming famous! :D
Looks really nice. I love the first one and the one with the green background and a lot of flowers, really cool job done!
yay urmila! Your an illustrator with a book published!!! How official is THAT!!!!
so famous i say!
love the stuff
This is soo amazing!! Nice work. Inspiring!
Heh, the long-braid girl always reminds me of amma.
thanks you guys :)
ani, now that you say it even i can see amma in the girl :)
Wowwww!!!!!!!!!!! You are a wonderful artist....Loved all the sketches. Girl drawing on the black board is my favorite ;)
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