Aaju's inner monster manifests itself on her shoulder. Meet murali. He's the newest monster in the house.
His inability to close his mouth and severe dental problems have left a permanent expression of trauma on his face.
as part of some work for my current project i did some light painting with a couple of friends. we ended up with an interesting amphibian and a rather lost dinosaur...
Thank you Divya for making Bharat look so beautiful... :)
summer has decided to make its presence felt in bangalore... it's HOT. i find myself whiling away time thinking of all things refreshing.. so much so that i dug out this old photo of mine and made it my wallpaper. i keep telling myself that soft drinks are bad for health. i usually manage to aviod them for large periods of time and then succumb to a coke. who cares about pesticides anyway? :(
A little more than a year ago i went to the andamans as part of college. We're still not sure what they wanted us to get out of it. As a matter of fact, i don't thing they do either... We went to Port Blair, Wandoor and Havelock. It was absolutely-mind-blowlingly beautiful from the mangroves to the forests to the beaches to the underwater corals and sealife to the breathtaking sky at night. We spent ridiculous amounts of time lazing in the sea. A year later and most of us still have a circular tan on our back courtesy the sun and the swimsuits. *sigh... I still dream about it sometimes.
Beware of the flower-patterned-eyeless cat of 120!
I just made him a few days ago out of someone's old shirt while i was delirious with fever. Cat-making is otherwise not a normal habit of mine... Still have add eyes and stripes though. soon as i find the materials. :)
I've been down with fever the last few days :( I lothe falling ill. I hate being helpless.
I was wasting time going through folders on my computer when i found this. Its a (slightly unflattering) caricature of me and my roommate from first year of college made by a friend.
The room along with the house we lived in has now been broken down. Most of the photos i had of us together in that room were lost along with my first laptop. This post-it was supposed to be in the safe care of my roommate but it had gotten lost like so much else. This is the only evidence remaining that those times existed at all...
Some pages of an old log book. I had bought a set of chalk markers at that period of time. and i tripped out a bit filling my log book with notes decorated with the markers and my trusty rotrings.