My sister Chetna recently discovered she could put anything she wanted on her iPhone cover and flatteringly asked me for an illustration! She chose one of my earlier illustrations so i altered it slightly for iPhone cover use and she got it made! I feel so cool... \m/ All that's left now is the matter of my pay. (I've asked for a new iPhone... bwahahaha!)
I'm finished with the woodcut prints! It's quite a workout to make woodcuts (my arms are definitely more muscle-y) but lots of fun! I made loads of prints of the woodcut in variations of two color schemes plus a couple of experiments. I still don't have a scanner so the images are not very good, but here they are!
And finally, here's an image of the what the woodblock looked like at the end and a print of my last layer.
After the linocuts, I've started working on a woodcut. I'm making a 5 layer reductive woodcut print (phew!). Since there are so many layers it's going to take a while to finish, but here is a preview of the first 2 layers for now.